The Lion and the Fox


      The Lion and The Fox

A Fable by Jakob F., Hannah G., and Michaela C.





     One nice Spring day, Fox went on a stroll in the woods and ran in to Lion.   

     "Hi Lion, how are you doing?" asked Fox with a giant smile on her face.

     "I feel like I can eat anyone in my presence," stated Lion with a look in his eyes.

     "I just came to invite you to a gathering with all the animals and food," said Fox in a less cheery voice.

     "I might come," said Lion with a smirk on his face.

     Fox said in a rude shout, "It's at the park!"

     2 hours later at the park.

     "I'm heeeere!" roared the Lion in a cheery voice.

     Everyone looked at Lion curiously and then continued talking.

     Lion walked up to Puppy and said "What's going on?"

     "We are giving you a taste of your own medicine." said puppy in a sassy voice.

     Lion walked up to Phoenix and said "What is wrong?"

      "You heard Puppy!" squawked the Phoenix.

     Lion walked up to Mouse and Giraffe.

      The Mouse and the Giraffe in a mean voice, "Beat it big shot!"

      From then on the Lion was nice to all the animals.


     The moral of the story is:   Treat others the way you want to be treated.


The Lion and the